Bianca Purdie


You can call me B

So you wanna know a bit about the gal behind the camera?

I’m Bianca, an aries, an overthinker, cat mum, gym rat, all round geek.

I’ve been taking photos for as long as I can remember, and have captured art from Seattle to Sydney and am now based in Central Queensland where I have opened a private and exclusive Boudoir Studio right in the heart of Rockhampton.

When I'm not working you'll find me with a margarita or a book in my hands.

Established in 2020, my business has skyrocketed beyond what I hoped to achieve. I now specialise in Boudoir and Portraiture and absolutely thrive in seeing my clients (friends!) living their best, confident life, after experiencing the Bianca Treatment.

I found Boudoir by accident, by wanting to express myself differently, by wanting to give others the same confidence I found within myself.

I'm here to help you celebrate the body that moves you, that keeps you alive and document a temple that is FOREVER changing.

Because seriously, how often do you look back at images and wish you 'still looked like that'. I want to teach you to love yourself as you are RIGHT NOW. You are not a 'before' picture.

We're breaking norms, we're celebrating sexuality, we're embracing our bodies, and we're being kind to ourselves.

If you’re looking to book with me, I can’t wait to hear your story, if you’re just here to stalk, Check out the socials linked below, you’ll get more out of that!

-B xx

Office and Emailing Hours

Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm